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Dariusz Dolinski

Dariusz Doliński






Professor Dariusz Doliński is a prominent Polish social psychologist. He specializes in social behavioral psychology, psychology of emotions and motivation. He researches techniques of social influence, mechanisms of surrendering to external pressure, and social manipulation. He is also interested in psychological aspects of advertising and marketing.

He was a Principal Investigator in numerous research projects and developed several theories in the field of social psychology, especially on consumer behavior and validation of influencing techniques.

Professor Doliński has authored numerous publications in academic journals, including: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and European Journal of Social Psychology. He also author and co-authored close to 300 other publications, including: Psychologia wpływu społecznego [Psychology of Social Influence] (2000), Psychologiczne mechanizmy reklamy [Psychological Mechanisms of Advertising] (2003), Ukryte sensy zachowania: rozmowy o wywieraniu wpływu i reklamie [The Hidden Meaning of Human Behavior: Conversations About Influence and Advertising] (2006), Manipulacja [Manipulation] (2009), Techniques of Social Influence: The Psychology of Gaining Compliance (2016), and 100 Effective Techniques of Social Influence (2023). He was Editor in Chief of Polish Psychological Bulletin.

He is an Ordinary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Committee for Psychology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Furthermore, he is a member of the Polish Society of Social Psychology (PSPS), having previously held the position of its President.

At SWPS University, he teaches classes in social psychology and marketing psychology.


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