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SWPS University - Main page


Katarzyna Januszkiewicz is a psychologist specializing in organizational and managerial psychology. Her research interests focus on organizational behavior, including behavior change (e.g. flexibility, professional paradigm shift, and diversity at the workplace), and research methodology related to social aspects of management (professionalization of research methods and techniques). She is a proponent of an interdisciplinary approach that applies not only knowledge from other science disciplines to management science, but also adapts and develops their methods.

After receiving her doctoral degree, she completed three research fellowships at the University of Economics in Kraków, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, and the Novosibirsk State University in Russia.

She authored over 50 publications, including two monographs: Elastycznosć zachowań organizacyjnych. Koncepcja i metodyka badań (Flexibility of Oganizational Behavior. Research Concept and Methodolgy) and Rozwój zawodowy pracownika. Szanse i zagrożenia (Employee Professional Development. Opportunities and Threats).

She participated in several research projects conducted in Poland and in international teams, for example: FOLSPEC FPT.People-20 1-I.RSES; HELPcare – Health and Social Care Workers: Employability Learning and Professionalization; Empowering VET – Teachers). From 2014 to 2016, she was also a Principal Investigator in a research project “Multivariate analysis of organizational behavior (weighted). Methodology and measurement tool”, OPUS funding scheme, provided by the National Science Centre. As the result of the project Katarzyna developed her own concept of analyzing correlations between organizational solutions and employee behavior. She also participated in research projects at the University of Oxford, the University of Barcelona, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, and Vienna University of Economics and Business.

In the period from 2011 to 2013 she was appointed twice to the Young Scientists Council by the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

At SWPS University, she teaches organizational behavior, cultural differences in a business context, and decision making in risk situations.


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