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Katarzyna Wojtkiewicz, Ph.D., is a manager, lawyer, and designer of (Data) Governance systems and public policy instruments. She holds a doctoral degree in Information Technology Management from the University of Warsaw, a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.), and a degree in Business Informatics from the University of Bamberg in Germany.

Her main research interests include: management in the Quality of Life Paradigm, shaping social influence using the management and quality studies approach, and managing the process of public policy design and evaluation.

For the past few years, she has been researching the “Quality of Life Paradigms in shaping development strategies of public institutions and economic organizations in the era of digitalization”. The project assess how the goals related to the quality of life influence decision making, in these institutions.

Dr. Wojtkiewicz is a member of the research team in the “Social entrepreneurship - fundamentals” project. The goal of the project is to develop, using the design thinking method, and implement an innovative management tool for measuring social influence of social innovations in the Quality of Life paradigm.

She was the Principal Investigator of a research project "Identyfikacja psychologicznych i społecznych potrzeb młodzieży uczęszczającej do szkół średnich, która wykazuje duże aspiracje edukacyjne i zawodowe oraz analiza wpływu jaki organizacja wywiera na dobrostan grupy badanej" (Identification of psychological and social needs of secondary school youth, who show great aspirations in educational and professional areas, and the analysis of the influence of an organization on the wellbeing of the examined group) (grant INS, 2019-2020). She was also a researcher in a project “Key factors determining strategic goals achievement of memorial museums”.

She contributes to the Legal Entity Identifier project, a global initiative spearheaded by the G-20 countries. She is also a member of the Project Advisory Board for a Horizon 2020 initiative EURHISFIRM (A Comprehensive Data Infrastructure for Well-Informed Policymaking). As a lawyer and public policy designer, she participated in the legislative processes related to Poland’s accession to the European Union and shaping of capital market in Poland (e.g. transposition of directives, such as UCITS, MIFID, Prospectus, Conglomerates). She also developed public policies and Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Guidelines for the European insurance and social security sector. Additionally, she participated in the implementation of the EU regulations, including constituent acts of the EU agencies supervising financial sector.

In 2017, she was nominated for a prestigious German Enterprise Award, granted by the Worldwide Business Review, for her achievements in defining business architecture and implementation of (Data) Governance projects at an EU agency, located in Frankfurt, which supervises the insurance and occupational pension market in Europe.

Dr. Wojtkiewicz authored many publications on management, public policy, and law, including a monograph Inteligentny biznes. Zarządzanie firmą w dobie dygitalizacji (Intelligent Business. Company Management in the Era of Digitalization) (2019, 2020).

At SWPS University, she is Dean's Representative for Practicum.


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