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Professor Piotr Majewski is a cultural researcher and a sociologist. He researches social phenomena and is interested in urban anthropology, architecture, and sociology of pop music and sport. His research interests also include ethnicity and nationalism, in particular in the Lower Silesia district of Poland and the Balkans (especially the Republic of Macedonia), and the process of cultural memory reproduction.

He collaborates with the Public Space Research Institute (Instytut Badań Przestrzeni Publicznej) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and is a member of the scientific board of the Observatory Foundation, which carries out social research and projects.

He was a member of the steering committee in programs conducted by Poland’s Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, such as “Development of cultural infrastructure” and “Accessible Culture”. His other projects included:

  • “Czas wolny, świadomość kulturalna i kompetencje kulturalne. Zróżnicowanie i stan kultury miejskiej w Polsce” [Free time, cultural awareness and cultural competencies. Diversity and the state of the urban culture in Poland] that was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in 2008.
  • “Wizje narodu wśród macedońskich elit politycznych w kontekście kultury popularnej i życia codziennego. Kulturoznawcza interpretacja dyskursu narodowościowego” [Visions of the nation among political elites in popular culture and everyday life. Cultural interpretation of nationalistic discourse] (2009-2011)
  • “Kategoria narodowości śląskiej. Analiza i interpretacja deklaracji o przynależności do narodu śląskiego” [The category of the Silesian nationality. The analysis and interpretation of declarations concerning identification with the Silesian nation] (2010-2012).
  • "Stadion – miasto – kultura. Euro 2012 i przemiany kultury polskiej" [Stadium – City – Culture. EURO 2012 and the transformaiton of the Polish culture] (2011-2013).

He authored and co-authored numerous publications, including: “Teaching History. Celebrating Nationalism. School History Education in Poland”, with K. Jaskułowski and A. Surmiak (2022); “Rap w służbie narodu. Nacjonalizm i kultura popularna” [Rap in the service of the nation. Nationalism and pop culture] (2021; “The Politics of Sports in Poland after 1945: From Socialist Mass Sports to Market-Oriented Elite Sports?”, with J. Drozda, K. Jaskułowski, in Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative perspectives from post-Soviet and post-socialist societies (2020).

At SWPS University he teaches classes in research methodology used in humanities and social sciences, planning and running field research, the anthropological, sociological and cultural theory, urban sociology and anthropology, politicization of culture, in particular various forms of cultural opposition, and social and cultural identity.

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