Wojciech Karczewski holds a doctoral degree in social sciences in the discipline of management and quality studies from the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. Additionally, he completed two postgraduate programs — IT Resource Management at the Warsaw University of Technology and Business English at SWPS University.
He authored a book Predyspozycje do wykonywania pracy wysoko zrutynizowanej w organizacji [Predispositions to performing highly routinized work in an organization]. He also co-authored (together with Professor Adam Szpaderski, Professor Christopher Neck, and Piotr Cywiński, Ph.D.) International Leadership and Management: Emerging, Contemporary and Unorthodox Perspectives.
Dr. Karczewski has 18 years of experience in managing large scale international programs and projects — he led and successfully completed 50 such projects.
From 2020 to 2023, he was Director of the Office for International Relations and Rector’s Representative for International Relations at SWPS University. He is also a former coordinator of the undergraduate Management and Leadership program (the Polish and English path).
Currently, at SWPS University, he teaches project management. In the past, he taught organizational management, organizational behavior, leadership skills, statistical methods, and managerial reporting.