A prominent researcher in the field of health psychology and clinical psychology. She is interested in determinants of health, such as diet, physical activity, and risky behaviors, as well as factors improving quality of life for people who experienced traumatic life events or suffer from a chronic illness. She develops psychological interventions, which help to change behaviors and attitudes as well as support improvements in health. She also assesses the effectiveness of these interventions. She was the Principal Investigator of TEMPEST research project, which aimed to develop a program for the prevention and prophylaxis of overweight and obesity in children and youth, in Europe.
She is a member of AcademiaNet, an international database of profiles of outstanding female researchers from all disciplines and a member of the Council of the Foundation for Polish Science.
She is Editor in Chief of Anxiety, Stress & Coping, and Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. She is the author of Psychologia sportu i aktywności fizycznej. Zagadnienia kliniczne [Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Clinical Issues] (2016), Nadwaga i otyłość. Interwencje psychologiczne [Overweight and Obesity. Psychological Interventions] (2007), Zmiana zachowań zdrowotnych. Dlaczego dobre chęci nie wystarczają [Change of Health Behaviors. Why Good Intentions are Not Enough] (2004). She also publishes in professional journals, including Health Psychology, Social Science and Medicine, and Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
She teaches health psychology, at SWPS University in Wrocław.
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