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SWPS University - Main page

School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

under the leadership of:
Agnieszka Popiel, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
and Ewa Pragłowska, Ph.D.

SWPS University is the only higher education institution in Poland which offers 4-year postgraduate studies in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and a 2-year postgraduate program in CBT under supervision.

Polish Version
SWPS University's School of CBT

Teaching CBT

The SWPS University’s School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is the largest center of education for CBT therapists in Poland (as indicated by the register of certificates issued by the Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (PACBT). With over 800 graduates in Warsaw, Sopot, Poznań, Katowice, Wrocław, and Rzeszów, the School, in a meaningful way, meets the social need of accessibility to evidence-based psychological therapy. Graduates of our CBT School hold diplomas confirming completion of a 4-year postgraduate program (and often certificates issued by the Polish Association for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Our graduates and students who are in the process of obtaining their diplomas, work across Poland not only in private clinics, but mainly in publicly funded centers offering psychotherapy for adults, children and adolescents, such as public psychotherapy clinics, community centers, as well as outpatient and 24-hour psychiatric wards. Their practicum is based on supervision and adherence to the code of ethics developed by the Polish Association for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Unique Study Program for Psychotherapists...

The 4-year two-tier CBT postgraduate program has been designed to provide students with knowledge and skill, which would enable them to independently carry out psychotherapy of a wide range of mental disorders in adults, children and adolescents.

The program also encompasses psychotherapeutic skills of understanding and solving emotional problems of individuals, which do not meet the criteria of diagnosing mental disorders classified in DSM and ICD, such as problems of persons in crisis life situations.

..under the watchful eye of experienced supervisor

Supervision constitutes the main subject of the final two years of study. It is taught by teachers-supervisors certified by the Polish Association for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

The team of chief supervisors at our CBT School includes medical doctors specializing in clinical psychology and adult, child and adolescent psychiatry as well as therapists specializing in family and couple’s therapy and therapy of persons suffering from pervasive disorders and neurological dysfunctions..

Supervisions are conducted by a permanent team of supervisors, which is helpful for students who are dealing with analysis or encounter diagnostic or therapeutic difficulties in complicated cases.

Postgraduate Studies

A unified curriculum developed by SWPS University’s School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is offered across all locations of SWPS University including Warsaw, Sopot, Wrocław, Poznań, and Katowice and in Rzeszów. In all these locations, program heads also serve as supervisors and closely collaborate with the managers of the School, who have developed the teaching program.

Courses and Training

The School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy offers courses and training aligned with the program “Psychotherapy of children and adolescents”. A certificate confirming a completion of such training enables holders to pursue a specialization in psychotherapy of children and youth.



Masterclass: Using ACT to Support Children and Adolescents

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Masterclass: Hoarding Disorder – A Question of Value?

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When It is Darkest: Understanding the psychology of suicide risk

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EACLIPT Conference: Clinical Psychology Now

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New challenges for trauma therapies and traumatic studies

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Cognitive behavioral therapy 2007–2022. Integration

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Specialists from SWPS University support Ukrainian community in Poland

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Borderline Personality Disorder: Different treatments, same mechanisms of change?

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How new concepts of mental health stimulate better psychological treatments

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What is the common ground for modern psychotherapy?

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Regional Program Heads and Supervisors

  • Krystyna Darżynkiewicz

    clinical psychologist, level 2 specjalist, psychotherapis, CBT therapist, chief supervisor at the CBT School in Poznań

  • Ida Derezińska

    Program Head at the CBT School in Sopot, specializes in psychoterapy of children and adolescents

  • Maria Gałuszko-Węgielnik, M.D., Ph.D.

    Program Head at the CBT School in Wrocław

  • Jarosław Michałowski, Ph.D. / Associate Professor

    psychologist, psychotherapist, chief supervisor at the CBT School in Poznań

  • Magdalena Połeć-Szalonek

    psychologist, sociologist, psychotherapist, chief supervisor at the CBT School in Katwoice

  • Bartłomiej Walczak

    psychologist, psychotherapist certified by the Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, chief supervisor of the CBT School in Wrocławiu

  • dr Magdalena Skotnicka Chaberek

    Program Head at the CBT School in Katowice, specializes in psychotherapy of children and adolescents

  • Artur Wiśniewski, M.D., Ph.D.

    Program Head of the CBT School in Poznań, supervisor of psychotherapy (PACBT), specializes in psychotherapy of children and adolescents

Team of supervisors – therapy of adults, children and adolescents

  • prof. dr hab. Wiesław Jerzy Cubała
  • dr Karol Grabowski
  • dr Katarzyna Markowska-Regulska
  • dr Dorota Nowocin
  • dr Izabela Pawłowska
  • Katarzyna Białek
  • Magdalena Gąssowska-Szmidt
  • Michał Kuroń
  • Emilia Link
  • Elżbieta Mińkowska
  • Judyta Stawikowska

Guest lecturers
and international cooperation

Over the past 15 years, SWPS University’s School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy welcomed numerous acclaimed psychotherapists and psychotherapy researchers from around the world.They gave lectures and conducted workshops on psychotherapy and supervision. Our special guests included: Stefan Hofmann (USA, Germany), Sarah Corrie (UK), Thomas Heidenreich (Germany), Eduardo Keegan (Argentina), Cory Newman (USA), Ceu Salvador (Portugal), Mehmet Sungur (Turkey), Yona Teichman (Israel), and Meir Teichman (Israel).

Lecturers from our CBT School also lectured and taught in other countries, such as Argentina, Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine. They also actively participate in international scientific conferences.


Supervision is the fundamental element in the education of psychotherapists, who are in the process of certification. Supervision is also a foundation of therapeutic practice carried out by certified psychotherapists. The cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist’s code of ethics ( obligates therapists to undergo supervision to identify and consult potential problems.

Supervision at SWPS University’s Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy ClinicS

The majority of supervisors who collaborate with SWPS University’s Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Clinic teach at our School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Their extensive clinical and teaching experience includes therapy supervision of adults, children and adolescents.

Psychotherapy services

SWPS University’s Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Clinic

Establishing the SWPS University’s Clinic was a natural consequence of accumulating a large body of CBT research and knowledge and meeting a growing need of patients – adults, children and adolescents – for CBT therapy. Our postgraduate students can complete their internships at the Clinic, which helps them gain and hone practical skills.

Our team of psychotherapists consists of the founders and graduates of SWPS University’s School of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as well as lecturers and graduates of the CBT Supervision Program, who believe in continuous development and learning concerning their clinical skills. Therefore, the Clinic schedules regular supervisions and research meetings. Our team includes authors of handbooks and books on therapy and educational materials for our patients.

Visit our Clinic