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Portrait photo of Ewa Gruszczyńska


Ewa Gruszczyńska

Ph.D. / Associate Professor

Vice-Rector for International Affairs
Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw
Department of Health Psychology


Professor Ewa Gruszczyńska is a psychologist. Since 2003, she has been working at SWPS University’s Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw, where she held various positions, including Head of the Department of Health Psychology and Director of the Institute of Clinical Psychology. In 2018, she was appointed Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs.

As a researcher, she is a member of the Health & Coping Research Group at SWPS University. Her research interests include stress, encompassing both everyday challenges and critical life events. Recently, she has been researching the role of stress-coping strategies in individuals experiencing professional burnout and people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. She is also a Principal Investigator in a project focused on “Providing Social Support and Health: Conditions and Temporal Dynamics”.

Professor Gruszczyńska authored over 70 publications. She is a Board Member of the Health Psychology section of the Polish Psychological Association as well as a Member of the Editorial Committees for the following journals: Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, and Anxiety, Stress and Coping. Between 2013-2016, she was a Board Member of the European Health Psychology Society, and currently she holds the position of a national delegate. Furthermore, she was a Founding Member and Secretary of the Central and Eastern European Society of Behavioral Medicine.

In 2012, she received a DAAD scholarship and was a visiting researcher at the Freie Universität in Berlin, at the invitation of Prof. Ralf Schwarzer. Between 2013-2017, she was the Principal Investigator in a research project "Values and cultural norms for positive aging: A Polish-German comparison", funded by the Polish-German Foundation for Science (PNFN).

At SWPS University she lectures on health psychology, with the focus on stress and stress coping strategies.


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