Will the virtual world replace reality? Or maybe the right question should be: when will it happen? Will metaverse become a milestone in the development of the web? To find the answers to these questions, join us for the next meeting in the 2nd edition of the HumanTech Meetings series.
Metaverse - life in goggles
Work, entertainment, culture, and shopping — all are at our fingertips, and we do not even have to leave our homes. For example, during the pandemic, we have become accustomed to satisfying most of our needs online. While the idea that virtual lives will become as important as our real lives has been under discussion for a while, the progress in fulfilling this vision has recently accelerated significantly.
In November 2021, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook was changing its name to Meta and unveiled a virtual reality-based project. Metaverse is a combination of physical and digital worlds inhabited by our avatars. Will living in a virtual universe become a way to escape from the world of epidemics, wars, and threats of climate change?
During the second meeting of the 2nd edition of HumanTech Meetings, we will talk about the potential and the risks of this new alternative world. Undeniably, more and more people are moving there; but they are not alone. Business, politics, and science have come along with them.
We will welcome Leslie Shannon, Head of Ecosystem and Trend Scouting at Nokia, and Ada Florentyna Pawlak, a technology anthropologist. Konrad Maj, Head of the Center for Social and Technological Innovation HumanTech at SWPS University, will open the meeting. The lectures will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Michał Boni.
Lectures will be held in Polish and English and will be translated simultaneously.
The event is held under the auspices of Strefa Technologii (Technology Zone) of SWPS University.
HumanTech Meetings
We live in an era of innovation, technological progress and digitalization. This current innovation drive may lead to unpredictable psychological and social outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial to establish collaborations between engineers, programmers, IT specialists and social scientists during initial phases of any new projects related to development of new technologies or services. Such collaborations may help to avoid mistakes and can support better development of new ideas.
The project is planned as a series of meetings, gathering academics and professionals from the technology sector from Poland and other countries. Each meeting will include two lectures, one delivered by a speaker from Poland and one presented by a guest from another country. The lectures will be followed by panel discussions, where panelists will represent different approaches to innovation and technology.
HumanTech Meetings is a project of SWPS University's Center for Social and Technological Innovation.
Center for Social and Technological Innovation HumanTech
Date and location
April 11, 2022 (Monday), 17:15–20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Coordinator: Ewa Łuczak
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 2021, the HumanTech Meetings project was granted an additional PLN 250,000 (EUR 52 828,75) by the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN), as part of the funding scheme “Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki – Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu” (Social responsibility of science – Popularization of science and sport), (project no. SONP/SN/514650/2021), project duration: 2022-2023, total value: PLN 305,472 (EUR 65 251,67).