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SWPS University - Main page

Impact of Politics on Media in Poland Through the Ages

Impact of Politics on Media in Poland Through the Ages

Politics and the Media in Poland from the 19th to the 21st Centuries is a comprehensive compilation of research exploring how turbulent political dynamics have influenced Poland's media landscape. The book was co-edited by Professor Evelina Kristanova from SWPS University and published by Brill.

Interdisciplinary studies of Polish media landscape

Politics and the Media in Poland from the 19th to the 21st Centuries, edited by Professors Evelina Kristanova from the SWPS University's Faculty of Humanities in Warsaw, Rafał Habielski, and Małgorzata Such-Pyrgiel, delves into the historical and contemporary interplay between politics and media in Poland. It covers a wide range of topics, exploring the role of traditional press, radio, literature, and digital platforms in shaping political discourse, while also examining the impact of political circumstances on media dynamics.

With contributions from historians, media experts, political scientists, sociologists, and cultural experts, the book presents diverse perspectives and insights into the challenges faced by media outlets. This diversity of voices enriches the discourse and makes the book a seminal contribution to the fields of media studies and political science.

The book presents the latest research and reflects on the relationship between the media and politics, using the case study method. . . The articles contained in the book are arranged chronologically, covering the most important historical and media events in Polish society. The studies undertaken by researchers are presented both through the prism of theoretical findings and original empirical research.

Excerpt from the introduction to Politics and the Media in Poland from the 19th to the 21st Centuries

The foreword offers essential historical context, tracing Poland's evolution from years marked by oppression, censorship, and excessive state control—beginning with the partitions of Poland in the 18th century, followed by the communist era of the Polish People's Republic under the influence of the Soviet Union in the second half of the 20th century—to periods of resistance and liberation, such as the revival of the independent Polish state in 1918 and 1989. It underscores the pivotal role of the press in shaping national identity and political discourse.

The book was published by Brill.

About the editors

Evelina Kristanova
Evelina Kristanova
Ph.D. / Associate Professor
Is an Associate Professor at SWPS University's Department of Cultural and Media Studies. Her research interests include the history of media, with a particular focus on 20th-century Catholic sociocultural periodicals in Poland and the Polish broadcasts of Radio Free Europe.
Rafał Habielski
Is a Professor at the University of Warsaw. He specializes in history, press and media studies, and research on Polish political emigration to Great Britain and France. His academic pursuits revolve around politics, history, mass media, and literature, with an emphasis on the history of media, particularly Radio Free Europe.
Małgorzata Such-Pyrgiel
Ph.D. / Associate Professor
Is the Vice-Rector for Education and Evaluation of Research. She is an expert in sociology and methodology and has authored numerous publications focusing on the digital society and new technologies.
