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SWPS University - Main page

Cultural Psychology and Acculturation

Cultural Psychology and Acculturation

In his latest publication – Cultural Psychology and Acculturation – Professor Paweł Boski, a renowned cultural psychologist, a pioneer of cross-cultural psychology in Poland, offers a new theoretical model of acculturation within the general framework of cultural psychology.

Exploring the dynamics of acculturation: a new theoretical approach

Acculturation is a process of learning a second culture, different from one's own. It may occur when one travels and lives abroad, but it can also take a vicarious (remote) form in the home country. For example, vicarious acculturation can be observed in scenarios such as attending international schools in one's own country, studying in English at SWPS University, or working in international companies in large cities such as Warsaw, all the while being a local citizen and resident.

The discussion of the new theoretical model of acculturation, proposed by Professor Boski, is divided into four sections, including: a juxtaposition of cross-cultural and cultural orientations, the psychology of economic migration (EARN) as distinct from the psychology of acculturation (LEARN), an examination of John W. Berry's model of acculturation that serves as a contrasting reference point for the tripartite model of bicultural competencies, developed in the final section. The model comprises interconnected components such as symbols, language, and values/practices, which characterize both enculturation and acculturation.

Through an exploration of symbols, language, values, and practices, the book highlights the complex interplay between enculturation and acculturation. It presents bicultural competencies and identities as the ultimate outcome of the acculturation process, emphasizing the importance of achieving cultural fluency in multiple contexts.

The book's narrative is based on the notion that acculturation transcends geographical boundaries. It acknowledges that acculturation can manifest itself vicariously, even within one's own homeland, thereby broadening the scope of study. By recognizing acculturation as a process of learning about another culture, the book challenges conventional notions and encourages a broader understanding of cultural adaptation.

Cultural Psychology and Acculturation is part of the Elements in Psychology and Culture series published by Cambridge University Press.

About the author

Paweł Boski
Paweł Boski
Is a precursor of cross-cultural psychology in Poland, from 1994 working in Institute of Psychology at Polish Academy of Sciences, and from 1997 at SWPS University. At SWPS University he is Head of Department of Cross-Cultural Psychology. It is the first department of this kind in Poland. He used to work in Africa (Nigeria), North America and in Europe. His research interests include the process of acculturation of people migrating to new destinations, multiculturalism and comparative research on the issues as: values, cultural identity, cultural relations, tolerance and cultural diversity. He is the author of many publications in Polish and English.
