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SWPS University - Main page

Political negotiations vs. Putin. Can there be peace?

Political negotiations vs. Putin. Can there be peace?

Undoubtedly, the most important political negotiation in our part of the world is the one around Ukraine. Many of us start and end our days checking the latest news and wondering if any progress in peace talks is possible. We also speculate whether the sanctions imposed on Russia will have any effect, and we ask ourselves how different countries can help Ukraine. To better understand the mechanisms of political negotiation, members of the Legal Research Club Consilium have organized an online meeting with an expert in this field, Mikkel Gudsøe.

May 4, 2022
16:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Political negotiation and beyond

Negotiation is one of the basic political or decision-making processes, but can everything be negotiated? What is the role of threats in negotiation? How to manage cultural and historical differences? If you would like to find answers to at least some of these questions, register for a meeting with Mikkel Gudsøe, who will give an online lecture on political negotiation with a focus on the current situation in Ukraine.

The lecture is scheduled for approximately 60 minutes, including time for a Q&A session. The event is organized by the Legal Research Club Consilium affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology and Law in Poznań at SWPS University and will be held in English.


Mikkel Gudsoe
Mikkel Gudsøe

Is considered one of Denmark’s leading experts in negotiation, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), body language, and influence. He is an honorary Associate Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. Over the years, he has been giving masterclasses on a range of negotiation-related topics at numerous universities throughout the world. In addition, Mikkel Gudsøe has been teaching negotiation at all levels to accountants, lawyers, government officials, business professionals, and many others for more than a decade. He also worked as Chief Attorney in the Danish Fashion & Textile Trade Organization with responsibility for international trade relations as well as negotiation and conflict resolution, and most recently as Executive Vice President - Legal Affairs in the Juhl Bach Holding. He owns and runs the coaching and consultancy company Negotiation Institute. Currently, he focuses on political negotiations and the role of the media in conflict management.

Host of the Q&A session

Tomasz Paweł Antoszek
Tomasz Paweł Antoszek

Is a lawyer, psychologist, and mediator. He specializes in civil law, intellectual property, negotiations, and mediations. His research interests include psychology of conflict management and organizational and business psychology. In his work, Tomasz Antoszek focuses on alternative dispute resolution, mediation, civil law, contract law, negotiation, and psychology of conflict.

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Legal Research Club Consilium


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date and location

May 4, 2022 (Wednesday), 16:00 CEST (UTC+2)

