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HumanTech Meetings II: Technologies shall go, where humans fear to tread

HumanTech Meetings II: Technologies shall go, where humans fear to tread

As Stanisław Lem, a world-famous science fiction writer, once wrote, “The obverse of most technologies is luminous, but life equipped them with a reverse – dark reality”. Experts from a variety of fields have been discussing the opportunities and threats posed by artificial intelligence for a while now. Hence, we have decided to address these issues during the upcoming meeting in the HumanTech Meetings series (2nd edition).

May 23, 2022
17.15–20.00 CEST (UTC+2)

Will technology save us?

We live in times of digital transformation. New technologies have an enormous impact on individuals as well as the economy, politics, and state functioning on the local and global levels. On the one hand, this is a chance to improve the quality of human life, ensure economic development or effectively combat climate change. On the other hand, the same technology that is meant to better the world can be used to increase control over citizens and even, as technological pessimists claim, lead to digital dictatorship and human takeover by machines.

During the fourth meeting in the HumanTech Meetings series (2nd edition), we will discuss how to design artificial intelligence that humanity can trust. We will search for ways to teach society how to use new technologies safely. We will also address legal concerns around the use of artificial intelligence in various fields.

Our keynote speakers will include Dr. Yelena Yesha, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Miami, Dr. Rose Yesha, expert in health informatics, and Dominika Bettman, General Manager of Microsoft Poland. Konrad Maj, the Head of the HumanTech Center for Social and Technological Innovation at SWPS University, will open the meeting. The lectures will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Michał Boni.

Lectures will be held in Polish and English and will be translated simultaneously.

The event is held under the auspices of Strefa Technologii (Technology Zone) of SWPS University

During the meeting, participants will have an opportunity to win a book by Dominika Bettman and Paweł Oksanowicza, Technologiczne magnolie. Gdy większość z nas uwierzy, że dzięki technologiom zmienimy świat na lepsze (Technological Magnolias. When most of us believe we will change the world for the better through technology), published by PWN Group, the partner of the HumantTech Meeting event.

Book cover of Technological Magnolias
Book cover of Technological Magnolias. When most of us believe we will change the world for the better through technology

HumanTech Meetings

We live in an era of innovation, technological progress and digitalization. This current innovation drive may lead to unpredictable psychological and social outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial to establish collaborations between engineers, programmers, IT specialists and social scientists during initial phases of any new projects related to development of new technologies or services. Such collaborations may help to avoid mistakes and can support better development of new ideas.

The project is planned as a series of meetings, gathering academics and professionals from the technology sector from Poland and other countries. Each meeting will include two lectures, one delivered by a speaker from Poland and one presented by a guest from another country. The lectures will be followed by panel discussions, where panelists will represent different approaches to innovation and technology.

HumanTech Meetings is a project of SWPS University's Center for Social and Technological Innovation.

  1. Lecture 1: Digital Democracy and Trusted Artificial Intelligence

    The power structure of computational democracy is multi-faceted. The interdisciplinary nature of technology enables us to develop global alliances within healthcare, economics, and public relations. By utilizing trusted artificial intelligence, we can conserve the authenticity of human behavior. We must remain aware of the potential for technological exploitation. This can be addressed by facilitating global security initiatives and a hierarchy of ethical considerations.

    Yelena Yesha
    Yelena Yesha
    At the University of Miami, Dr. Yelena Yesha is the Knight Foundation Endowed Chair of Data Science and AI at the Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC). At IDSC, Dr. Yesha is also the Innovation Officer and Head of International Relations. Dr. Yesha was the Founding Director of the National Science Foundation Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA), an NSF-funded Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) that aims to develop long-term partnerships among industry, academia, and government. She is currently working with leading industrial companies and government agencies on new innovative technology in the areas of blockchains, cybersecurity, and big data analytics with applications to electronic commerce, climate change, and digital healthcare.
    Rose Yesha
    Rose Yesha
    Dr. Rose Yesha has an extensive background in health informatics, specifically within the domains of electronic health records, medical case reports, and behavioral health. Her research focuses on data mining large amounts of unstructured data and clustering the data into meaningful patterns. Her research within behavioral health has involved data mining of mental health forum data and social media data within the subsets of anxiety, depression, and addiction. Dr. Yesha has previously served as the Graduate Program Director for Health Information Technology at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is currently an IT consultant for Clinical Consultants International, LLC.
  2. Lecture 2: Will new technologies save the world?

    We live in the era of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, or large-scale digital transformation. Technologies are omnipresent. They influence the way we think, work, and consume; they are prerequisites for functioning in society. Since there is no turning back, we should accept them and trust that with their help, we will change the world for the better.

    Dominika Bettman
    Dominika Bettman

    Is an entrepreneur, and advocate of new technologies and sustainable business. She graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the Advanced Management Program at IESE Business School in Barcelona. She actively participates in the public debate on innovative industries and digitalization. Dominika Bettman worked for Siemens Poland for 26 years, including a few years as the CEO. Currently, she is the General Manager of Microsoft Poland (since December 2021). Dominika believes in the transformational power of business, the causal power of teams, and personal development.

Panel Discussion and Panelists

Gabriela Bar
Gabriela Bar

Is an attorney at law and holds a doctorate in law. She is a Managing Partner at Szostek_Bar and Partners Law Firm. She is an expert in the law of new technologies, such as: e-commerce, data protection, and artificial intelligence. Dr. Gabriela Bar is a member of the IEEE Law Committee, New Technology Law Association, Women in AI, and AI4EU. She is also a research associate in the Centre for Legal Problems of Technical Issues and New Technologies (Opole University, Poland) and a member of numerous project teams, including: Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories (SHOP4CF) and Multi-Agent Systems for Pervasive Artificial Intelligence for assisting Humans in Modular Production Environments (MAS4AI).

Krzysztof Izdebski
Krzysztof Izdebski

Is a lawyer specializing in digital policies, freedom of information, and the re-use of public sector information. He is an independent legal and policy expert at Stefan Batory Foundation and Open Spending EU Coalition. He is also a Member of the Board of Osiatyński Archive and an advisor to the Consul Democracy Foundation. He is a fellow of Marshall Memorial, Marcin Król Fellowship, and Recharging Advocacy Rights in Europe. He is the author of several publications on transparency, technology, public administration, corruption, and public participation, including alGOVrithms. The State of Play. Report on Algorithms Usage in Government-Citizens Relations in Czechia, Kosovo, Hungary, Poland, and North Macedonia, and alGOVrithms 2.0. The State of Play. Report on Algorithms Usage in Government-Citizens Relations in Czechia, Serbia, Hungary, Poland, and Georgia. According to Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Polish legal and business daily newspaper), he is one of 50 most influential lawyers in Poland.

The panel will be hosted by

Michal Boni
Michał Boni
Holds a doctoral degree in humanities. He is a former politician (1989-2019), Minister of Administration and Digitization (2011-2013), and a former member of the European Parliament (2014-2019). He is also a public policy negotiator specializing in public affairs. Dr. Boni is the author of “Poland 2030 Report” and several reports on youth. His professional interests include protection of personal data and development of the 5G network.

Registration form


Center for Social and Technological Innovation HumanTech


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  • Zrobotyzowany logo
  • Zrobotyzowany logo

Date and location

May 23, 2022 (Monday), 17:15–20:00 CEST (UTC+2)


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

the colors and the national emblem of the Republic of Poland

In 2021, the HumanTech Meetings project was granted an additional PLN 250,000 (EUR 52 828,75) by the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN), as part of the funding scheme “Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki – Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu” (Social responsibility of science – Popularization of science and sport), (project no. SONP/SN/514650/2021), project duration: 2022-2023, total value: PLN 305,472 (EUR 65 251,67).


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