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SWPS University - Main page

The future of design beyond the usual design sectors: Lecture by Astrid Kohlmeier

The future of design beyond the usual design sectors: Lecture by Astrid Kohlmeier

Join us for a special lecture, organized by the Faculty of Law and Communication in Wrocław, that will shed some light on the concept of interdisciplinary design in non-design fields. The lecture will be delivered by Astrid Kohlmeier, a lawyer who specializes in legal design, and will be followed by a discussion.

Language of the event: English (translation will not be available).

November 17, 2023
17:30–19:30 CET (UTC +1)

Fresh approach to legal design

SWPS University's Faculty of Law and Communication in Wrocław is pleased to invite all interested parties to participate in a guest lecture by Astrid Kolhemier, a trained lawyer and a internationally recognized pioneer in legal design.

Although it might not be obvious to everyone, law and legislation significantly impact our daily lives. Whether you purchase a beverage in a store (a sales contract) or watch your favorite TV show (copyright), legislation comes into play. Apart from acknowledging the relationship between individuals and the law, it is essential to understand the laws themselves. However, the nature of legal acts and the way they are written often presents a significant challenge for an average Joe.

In her lecture titled “The Future of Design Beyond the Conventional Design Sectors”, Astrid Kohlmeier, will talk about changes that have been occurring in law education and practical applications of law. She will also explain how design and designing looks like in a seemingly undesignable discipline.

The event is addressed to everyone interested in innovative methods used by professionals practicing the legal profession.

  1. Lecture

  2. Q&A Session, Discussion and Closing Remarks

Guest Speaker

Astrid Kohlmeier
Astrid Kohlmeier

Is a trained lawyer, internationally recognized as a legal design pioneer and leader. She is based close to Munich and runs a legal design consultancy business – Let’s do LEGAL DESIGN. As co-author of The Legal Design Book: Doing Law in the 21st Century, Astrid advises mainly legal departments of major companies and law firms on developing user-centric legal solutions with a focus on innovation and digital transformation. She is a recipient of numerous design awards, such as "Women of Legal Tech". She is a member of the Executive Faculty at the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession where she lectures and a co-founder of the non-profit organization Liquid Legal Institute. She often speaks at legal and design conferences around the world, and collaborates with a global network of legal designers.


  • Faculty of Law and Communication in Wroclaw logo


Dorota Płuchowska, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date and Location

November 17, 2023, 17:30–19:30 CET (UTC +1)

SWPS University in Wrocław, ul. Aleksandra Ostrowskiego 30b.

Registration form


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HumanTech Summit 2024

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