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On ethics and social influence: Insights from the Meeting with Prof. Cialdini

On ethics and social influence: Insights from the Meeting with Prof. Cialdini
Photo: Ivan Prinus

On April 5, 2024, SWPS University in Wrocław hosted a meeting with Professor Robert Cialdini, widely recognized as the most quoted contemporary social psychologist, renowned for his expertise in influence and persuasion. The event, "The Ethical Path: Navigating the Power of Social Influence" was moderated by Professor Tomasz Grzyb, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology in Wrocław.

The Master of Persuasion

For over thirty years, Professor Cialdini has devoted himself to the study of influence, persuasion, and behavior in various social contexts. His passion for delving into the mysteries of human behavior and years of practice have earned him an international reputation as an expert in persuasion techniques, principles of cooperation, and negotiation tools. His seminal work, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion has been acclaimed by readers for years and remains a perennial bestseller.

During the meeting, Professor Cialdini was presented with the "Evergreen – Timeless" award for his seminal publications Influence: Science and Practice and Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The award was granted by the Polish Association of Business Trainers. The Association recognizes and promotes books that offer reliable, practical knowledge in the field of development services.

zooming in on the prize - a book for the trainer
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Professor Cialdini and a representative of the Polish Association of Business Trainers shake hands at the presentation of the award
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Professor Cialdini holding a statue and flowers, next to him stands Professor Tomasz Grzyb with a microphone
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Close-up of gold badge with inscription: Book for trainer
Photo: Ivan Prinus

Ethical Influence: Insights from Professor Cialdini

The meeting was dedicated to ethics of persuasion. Professor Cialdini, a leading expert in this field, emphasized the importance of making ethics an integral part of the influence process. By highlighting the need to promote an ethical approach, he expressed his belief that effectiveness should never compromise morality.

One of the key points discussed at the meeting was the impact of ethics on employee effectiveness. Based on research, Professor Cialdini demonstrated that prioritizing ethics is not only morally right but also beneficial from a business perspective. Employees who are encouraged to engage in unethical practices not only harm their employer but also become less productive.

When we set up this event, Professor Cialdini was very clear: "I want to have a conversation, also with your students. I do not want another lecture, I want a dialogue." And this is exactly what our meeting focused on – a conversation about ethics, which has become the key topic of debate in the discipline of psychology of social influence in recent years.

Tomasz Grzyb
Prof. Tomasz Grzyb, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
Host of the event

The discussion went beyond business. Professor Cialdini touched on the topics of Polish and American politics, especially in the light of the recent local elections in Poland and the presidential elections in the United States. He noted that politicians' unethical behavior, instead of being beneficial, ultimately harms both the society and the politicians themselves.

Ethics is a crucial element in both the business and public spheres. Understanding its significance is essential to building lasting relationships. We are privileged to have such a distinguished expert in this field join us, and once again generously share his knowledge with us. Professor Cialdini has previously lectured to our students and faculty, and has contributed to many of our conferences. We look forward to the opportunity of hosting him again in the near future.

View photos from the meeting:

Photo of the panel, Professor Tomasz Grzyb stands on the foreground with a microphone, Professor Cialdini sits in the background
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Photo of the audience
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Photo of the room from above, you can see the audience and invited guests
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Photo of Professor Cialdini and Professor Grzyb during conversation
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Smiling Professor Caldini waiting to receive the award
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Professor Caldini signing his book for a student
Photo: Ivan Prinus
Professor Caldini signing his book for a student
Photo: Ivan Prinus

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